Root Canals

Root canals, or endodontics, is a common dental procedure that allows you to keep the natural structure of your tooth, and avoids the need for costly dental implants or bridges. Root canal therapy often has a bad reputation because when a root canal is needed you are most likely in a lot of pain, but the procedure itself is not the painful part. Dr. Walkington at Wildflower Dental & Orthodontics will perform your root canal with precision, gentleness, and care so your experience will be a rewarding one and the pain from your toothache will quickly become a distant memory.

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What is a Root Canal?

Our teeth are much more complicated than they appear, with different layers, each serving a unique purpose for the health of your tooth. Sometimes, decay and bacteria can penetrate deep through the tooth and into the lowest layer, the pulp. This can cause the pulp to become infected and seriously jeopardize the health of your tooth. In order to alleviate pain and save the tooth, root canal therapy is necessary. A root canal is a dental procedure that removes the infected tooth pulp and seals it up to prevent future infection.

Signs and symptoms you may need a root canal:

  • Severe toothache while eating or when pressure is applied.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold that lingers.
  • Your tooth looks darker than before.
  • A small pimple-like bump on the gums near the area.
  • Swelling and tenderness in the gums near the tooth.

Do you have the signs a root canal is needed?

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The Procedure

First, Dr. Walkington will apply anesthesia to the area so you will feel no pain during the root canal. Next, using a special drill, he will create an opening in the top of the tooth. Next, he will use more special tools to remove the decayed pulp and ensure the area is clear of infection. Once the infection is gone, he will seal up the hole and place a filling to restore the tooth. Sometimes, a crown or other restoration is necessary to protect the tooth from further infection. In the end, your smile will look just as good as it did before the procedure.

Is There Pain After the Root Canal?

Root canals have a bad reputation for being painful, but living with an infected tooth is more painful than the surgery. Afterwards, you may experience some pain and tooth sensitivity, and Dr. Walkington may prescribe medication to relieve the pain. Make sure you maintain your positive oral care, with routine brushing and flossing to avoid any future infections or decay. Like most restorative dental care, root canals can be avoided!

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